
وظائف في هيئة المساهمات المجتمعية - معاً

هيئة المساهمات المجتمعية - معاً

نلتزم في هيئة المساهمات المجتمعية معاً بدعم وتمكن القطاع الثالث لتقديم حلول مبتكرة ومستدامة تعالج الأولويات الاجتماعية في إمارة أبوظبي.

ويسعى فريق عملنا للموارد البشرية لتلبية احتياجات ومتطلبات القطاع الاجتماعي عبر استقطاب الأفراد من أصحاب الكفاءات والخبرة الملتزمين بتحقيق نتائج مميزة تدعم رؤية الهيئة ومهمتها وتتماشى مع قيمها.

نسعى لاستقطاب المواهب التي تمتلك الشغف والحماس والرغبة بتحقيق أثر ايجابي في الأدوار التي يقومون بها.

قدم الآن واطلع على الوظائف المتاحة لدينا.

الوظائف المتوفرة

Events Specialist


Job Objective: To assist in planning, implementing and preparing reports on activities related to Ma’an by creating event concepts, selecting venues, budgeting, securing sponsorships, handling logistics, handling event marketing, negotiating with sub-contractors, preparing expenditure reports, and evaluating event effectiveness. Functional Role: o Assist in preparing and implementing events management strategy, plans, guidelines, policies and procedures in coordination with other outreach management office sections o Develop a questionnaire for the Authority's stakeholders to collect inputs and preferences for events o Collect, analyze responses and prepare the Ma’an events calendar for local and international events based on Ma’an/Community Development Sector/Government of Abu Dhabi priorities and objectives and in coordination with internal and external stakeholders o Conceptualize and manage the organization of Ma’an’s internal and external events, symposia, conferences and ceremonies including vendor management, invitations and protocol in line with Ma’an outreach management office strategy o Develop the plan / brief including event's objectives, schedules, budget, etc. for each event o Develop evaluation form for each event to assess whether objectives have been met and the level of satisfaction amongst employees o Raise purchase requisitions to the procurement based on the nature and budget of external events o Advice on provision of in-house photography, videography and editing services to support events o Manage all archiving of event and multimedia material o Perform other tasks as requested by the Manager

Evaluation Specialist


Job Objective: To assist in planning, implementing and preparing reports on activities related to setting and achieving the annual target for the required funding raising in Abu Dhabi to effectively implement strategies that are targeted to create social cohesion as well as have a measurable impact on the community. Functional Role: Assist in proposing the annual target for the required fund raising Coordinate for developing a plan for the participation of relevant parties to collect financial resources, coordinate with the partnerships and fundraising sections to build and maintain the network Support in identifying potential social investment opportunities, and conduct the necessary financial, legal and social assessments to liquidate feasible opportunities Schedule periodic internal meetings to review the position of the social investment portfolio and the social return on capital Assist in conduct risk assessments on potential and existing investors and on the social investment fund, and apply controls when required to overcome and limit risks Gather data for preparing follow-up schedules and reports on social and financial returns, and presenting them to the executive management, contributors and concerned parties - Perform other tasks as requested by the Manager.

Fundraising Section Manager


Job Objective: To plan, implement, evaluate, promote and update activities related to fundraising and procedures to allocate incoming contributions in Abu Dhabi to effectively implement strategies that are targeted to create social cohesion as well as have a measurable impact on the community. Functional Role: o Design a strategy and procedures to allocate incoming contributions to the social investment fund, the volume of financial resources, and funding sources to be targeted...etc o Support the mechanism of allocating contributions based on government or contributor preferences and social priorities o Determine the methods for collecting resources for the fund, with reference to the target segments for communication with them o Prepare basic promotional messages for the fund, and coordinate with the communication section to identify and communicate with the target segments o Design, develop, activate and monitor a central fundraising hub to better engage and execute fundraising activities for Ma’an and on behalf of others o Enable capability to fundraise in a variety of mechanisms, including corporate partnerships, events, targeted campaigns, hub/app/website, crowdfunding, direct solicitation to high net worth individuals, etc o Adjust fundraising strategies based on identification and tracking of key KPIs including contributor growth and retention, sources of contribution, contribution size and growth, number of mid-tier and major contributor, diversification of contributors between individuals and corporates, etc o Perform other tasks as requested by the Director

Social Incubation & Acceleration Analyst


Job Objective: To assist in designing, planning, implementing, and preparing reports on activities aimed to support the development of social enterprises and not for profit organizations as mandated by the authority. Functional Role: o Gather data required for developing social incubation model and strategy for incubationo Prepare required information for developing incubation programs in coordination with partners o Support in utilizing the network of experts, specialists and consultants to harness potential volunteers through the community engagement and volunteering sectoro Assist management in raising awareness and promoting the incubation and capability building progams, in coordination with the communication sectiono Gather information for evaluating the results of incubation programs, and ensure that the community and participating stakeholders are effectively informed of the results/impacto Assess program performance against KPIs and targets, and identify and recommend improvements in collaboration with strategic affairs officeo Gather and prepare information required for designing, managing, and executing the Grants programo Gather, consolidate, and assess data to ensure capability building programs are in line with the requirements of targeted third sector actorso Perform relevant tasks as requested by the Manager

Social Incubation & Acceleration Specialist


Job Objective: To assist in planning, implementing and preparing reports on activities aimed to support the development of social enterprises and not for profit organizations as mandated by the authority Functional Role: o Assist in aligning the incubation activities and the aspirations and priorities of Ma’an’s leadership, in coordination with strategic affairs officeo Support in articulating social incubation model and strategy for incubationo Support in defining and establishing partnerships with existing support agencies in the United Arab Emirates and internationally (especially those that have experience in incubating social institutions) and managing relations with incubation partners in coordination with the partnerships sectiono Assist in developing incubation and capability building programs in coordination with partnerso Consult in assessing and securing the funding required to launch/accelerate capabilitiy building programs and third sector actors, in coordination with the social investment fund sector o Consult and coordinate the launch and management of the incubation program in coordination with the partnerso Utilize the network of experts, specialists, and consultants to harness potential volunteers through community engagement and volunteering sectoro Assist management in raising awareness and promoting the incubation and capability building programs, in coordination with the communication sectiono Gather information and data for evaluating the results of incubation programs, and ensure that the community and participating stakeholders are effectively informed of the results/impacto Assess program performance against KPIs and targets, and identify and recommend improvements in collaboration with strategic affairs office o Assist in designing, managing, and executing the Grants Programo Assure capability building programs are in line with the requirements of targeted third sector actorso Perform tasks as requested by the Manager